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06. Add transfer skill to the AI chatbot
3 min
Created by Ligia Sarmento on 9/16/2024 3:25 PM
Updated by Ligia Sarmento on 9/27/2024 11:48 AM

The Transfer ability allows the chatbot to direct users to human service, whether it's sales or technical support. This is useful when the chatbot is unable to resolve the user's request or when the query requires a more personalized interaction, such as closing a sale or solving complex problems.

Example of use

Imagine that a customer has problems with financial transactions that the chatbot can't solve automatically. By configuring the Transfer ability, the chatbot will be able to direct the customer to a specialized support agent, ensuring that the service continues uninterrupted and that the customer receives the necessary solution directly from a human.

Practical example tutorial

  1. Access the chatbot's Skills screen.

  2. Click on Add skill

  3. Select the Transfer option and click Next.

  4. Fill in the required fields:

Name: Give a name that describes the purpose of this skill. Example: "Finance department" or "Technical support".

Command: Define the command that the chatbot will use to identify when it should make the transfer. Example: "Whenever the customer asks about problems with financial transactions, transfer them to a human agent."

Type of Service: Choose between Commercial or Support according to the type of request the chatbot is dealing with. This will help direct the user to the correct department.

Service group or agent: Select the service group or agent that will be responsible for dealing with the query after the transfer. This can vary depending on the structure of your team. For example, the chatbot can transfer to the sales department for negotiations or to technical support for troubleshooting.

Collecting information from the user: Check which information the chatbot should request from the customer before transferring the conversation to the human agent. The information that can be collected includes Telephone and Name. The e-mail address is mandatory and will be requested by the chatbot before the transfer.

This information will be sent to the agent so that they have the necessary context to continue the service.

  1. Click on Create skill.

With the skill added, test that the transfer is working correctly. Use the fixed  test area on the right-hand side of the Skills screen. Type a message to the chatbot related to the configured command, for example "I'm having problems with financial transactions".

That's it! Your skill is already added to the chatbot.
If you want to edit it, click on the : icon next to the skill and you will have this option.

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